Saturday, August 30, 2014

How do I make the Oracle EE Stage Read Operator Run in Parallel?

Posted by Venkat ♥ Duvvuri 11:49 PM, under | 1 comment

By default the oraread operator is set to run in sequential mode. To enable parallel mode on oraread , you have to add the partition table property. This is set in the Source properties section. Then you specify the table name of this property. If more than one table is being used in the select statement, then specify only one of the tables used. You can then specify a Partitioning Algorithm to use when partitioning the table across nodes. It is recommend that you add the environment APT_ORAREAD_PARALLEL_ALGORITHM to the job and set its value...

Saturday, May 10, 2014

DataStage Scenario on Finding Unique Distance from Source and Destination

Posted by Venkat ♥ Duvvuri 2:46 AM, under | 1 comment

Source,Destination,Distance hyd,bang,1000 delhi,chennai,1500 chennai,bang,600 bang,hyd,1000 bombay,pune,1000 bang,chennai,600 **Sorted on Distance** Source,Destination,Distance bang,chennai,600 chennai,bang,600 bang,hyd,1000 bombay,pune,1000 hyd,bang,1000 delhi,chennai,1500 **Stg Variables** PrevActualStr: ActualStr ActualStr: inp.Src:inp.Dest RevStr: inp.Dest:inp.Src isDup: if PrevActualStr = RevStr then 1 else 0 **Constraint** isDup = 0 [Constraint] The below steps will explain you, How the records will be processed to o/p based on the above...

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