Saturday, May 10, 2014

DataStage Scenario on Finding Unique Distance from Source and Destination

Posted by Venkat ♥ Duvvuri 2:46 AM, under | 1 comment

Source,Destination,Distance hyd,bang,1000 delhi,chennai,1500 chennai,bang,600 bang,hyd,1000 bombay,pune,1000 bang,chennai,600 **Sorted on Distance** Source,Destination,Distance bang,chennai,600 chennai,bang,600 bang,hyd,1000 bombay,pune,1000 hyd,bang,1000 delhi,chennai,1500 **Stg Variables** PrevActualStr: ActualStr ActualStr: inp.Src:inp.Dest RevStr: inp.Dest:inp.Src isDup: if PrevActualStr = RevStr then 1 else 0 **Constraint** isDup = 0 [Constraint] The below steps will explain you, How the records will be processed to o/p based on the above...

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